


“After a long break from music. I went to a blues jam at the Cove Lounge, Revere beach in 2006. Folks encouraged me to come back. As the weeks went by, it all started coming back to me and my guitar playing started getting better. I met Alan Kline who asked me to start a band with him. That was the Bluez Doctorz. We played many MC club benefits and a few biker bars around the North shore area. I then started a classic Rock band called Blurred Vision, but the name was used by a couple other bands, so we changed it to Slurred Vision. After a couple years I bowed out due to a crazy work schedule. I did as many jams and open mics as I could. My wife encouraged me thy o start another band, so in Feb. Of 2012, I started the Boston Pub Rockers. We played every weekend for 5 years straight all along the Northshore and have a great following in Revere, Lynn, Salem, Beverly and Peabody. I felt stagnant in my playing and noticed an ad that Tanya Venom of Stormstress was taking on guitar students. It was perfect timing. I thought a fresh approach from this young lady might open my guitar playing to new levels. I met the gals from Stormstress 5 years before and really liked their music... and one thing led to another and I found myself taking bass lessons from Tia Mayhem. Very talented gals and I could feel, see and hear the improvements in my music. Their passion and drive really inspire me to improve and pursue my passion also.”

